James Barnett


James Barnett

Qualifications & Experience

James initially qualified with the London School of Sports Massage (LSSM) in Clinical Sports and Remedial Massage Therapy, the LSSM course offers the highest level of qualification available to Sports therapists in the UK.

He is member of the Complementary Natural Healthcare Council the only government approved regulator for Complementary Therapies.

James is also trained in the use of athletic strapping, kinesio taping, advanced fascial release, (gentle) spinal mobilisation and foot / gait (walking) analysis. In 2012 he attended the first training course in the UK with Til Luchau, who is a lead instructor and the Director of Advanced-Trainings.com. As a Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Til is a faculty member and Coordinator of the Rolf Institute's Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program, where he is the originator of Skillful Touch Bodywork (the Rolf Institute's own training and practice modality). In 2015 James also qualified as a Movement Coach and in the same year had his first article published on foot biomechanics and how poor foot function can lead to muscular aches and pains elsewhere. To read this article, please click here

What does all this mean?

It means that all his appointments are tailored and specific to each individual.

Where appropriate all clients undergo a personal assessment to help determine whether their pain / problems are actually a result of a muscle, postural, or a movement imbalance elsewhere. In this way he is able to address any immediate pain or issues using massage techniques, make temporary insoles to help correct poor foot movement, offer advice on how to make a permanent improvement and give you exercises to do at home, or in the gym.

James prides himself on his flexible, approachable and friendly service, with his expertise in relieving muscular pain and dysfunction in the soft tissues of the body. He has treated people in all walks of life, from athletes to office workers, pregnant ladies, mums, dads, teenagers and children.

If James is unable to help, or if he believes there is a quicker, more effective way to get you moving again he will suggest it, even if this means referring you on to another therapist. This helps to make sure you are not spending money on unnecessary appointments.

James only refers his clients onto trusted, professional and well regarded colleagues.